Since 1993
Stoney Creek Orthodontics
Serving the community since 1981, Stoney Creek Orthodontics provides unparalleled orthodontic services for children and adults. We provide a natural cosmetic makeover that aligns your teeth and improves your health. A new smile will not only add a new feeling of confidence and boost your self-esteem, but it will also help to reduce the risk of tooth decay and periodontal disease.

Why Choose Us?
It is important for us that we develop life-long relationships with you and your family. That is why when you are our patient, you are the most important person in the office. Dr. Sanovic personally writes all treatment plans and directs all patient care. He also sees each patient at every adjustment visit and does all the adjustments himself. Once in active treatment, patients (and parents/guardians when applicable) are updated at each visit as to how the treatment is progressing.

Our Commitment
Stoney Creek Orthodontics is committed to providing outstanding patient care in a family-oriented and compassionate environment. We are also dedicated to using the highest quality orthodontic supplies and materials and employ state-of-the-art technology to ensure that we always provide superior patient care.